“Tan's Dent-Card Qr Model Website Based” as an Effort to Improve Teeth Brushing Behavior and Dental Hygiene Status Primary School Children


Indri Ardiyanti Intan,. Supriyana,Eko Ningtyas Endah Aryati,Suwondo Ari,Daniati Nia


Background: Children aged 10-12 years have a very high rate of tooth decay at 57.6% with a mean (DMF-T) of 4.8. This is caused by one of the influencing factors, namely the low level of behavior in maintaining dental hygiene, as evidenced by the results of the 2019 Semarang City health data, that 86.7% of elementary school children do not have good tooth brushing behavior. The achievement of the new joint tooth brushing program is 47.8%, so innovation is needed in changing tooth brushing behavior, namely through the "Tan's Dent-Card QR Website Based Model" which is expected to improve tooth brushing behavior and the dental hygiene status of elementary school children. Research purposes:Producing a "Website Based Tan's Dent-Card QR Model" that is effective and feasible to implement to improve tooth brushing behavior and the dental hygiene status of elementary school children. Method : The method used in this research is Research and Development (R&D) with 5 research stages, namely needs identification, design and build, expert validation, feasibility test 1, and feasibility test 2. This research uses a pre-experimental design with a one- group pre-post- test. The sampling technique was purposive sampling consisting of 30 elementary school children aged 10-12 years who were given intervention for 14 days. Results: The validity results of the "Tan's Dent-Card QR Website-Based Model" show a value of p=0.000, which means this model is suitable for use to improve the behavior and dental hygiene status of elementary school children. “Tan's Dent-Card QR Website-Based Model” was also effective in enhancing tooth brushing behavior and dental hygiene status (p=0.000). In feasibility test 2, the result was p=0.000, which means the model is suitable for independent use by elementary school children aged 10-12 years. Conclusion: "Tan's Dent- Card QR Website-Based Model" is effective and ideal for use as an effort to improve tooth brushing behavior and the dental hygiene status of elementary school children.


International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

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