Geographic Indeterminacy of the Russian Youth State and Civic Identity


Perednya D. G.1


1. Management Academy of the Ministry of the Interior of the Russian


The article is devoted to the consideration of the nature and characteristics of Russian national identity. The research focus is concentrated on the youth state and civic identity study. State and civic identity was defined through its spatial embodiment. The spatial identity of Russians is largely subject to cognitive processes, and is associated with knowing, or not knowing the names of the cities of the residence country and ideas about their territorial location in the geographical space. Students of Moscow universities acted as carriers of information on the problem. A survey technique was used. The author assumed that the representatives of Russian youth adequately perceive the geography of the country. In particular, it had to be expressed in a relatively correct idea of the location of large cities in Russia. The hypothesis was based on the knowledge that the citizens of Russia socialized in the socio-cultural conditions of Russian society, took on the formative influence of educational and upbringing institutions, and therefore have a formed Russian identity.It was found that socialization in the current socio-cultural conditions does not lead to the formation of an adequate state-civil identity of young people. Based on the quantitative and qualitative analysis of empirical data, the article discusses the reasons that determine the current state of affairs. Considerations are expressed about the potential negative consequences of such a state of identity for the national security and territorial integrity of the Russian Federation.


The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration

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