Relations between the Russian Orthodox Church and the State in Times of the COVID-19 Pandemic in the Context of a Change in Political Paradigms and Digitalization


Baranov N. A.1


1. Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (North-West Institute of Management, Branch of RANEPA)


The article is devoted to the characterization of the relationship between the Russian Orthodox Church and the Russian state in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and the digitalization of society, with an emphasis on the technological aspect. The context of church-state relations during the pandemic period in the works of foreign and domestic authors is not the same: in Western liberal publications, attention is focused on the restrictions on democratic norms and liberal freedoms in the countries of the world, and in the works of Russian scientists, on the adaptation of state-confessional relations to the conditions of the pandemic, as well as on the processes of internal church life. To achieve this goal, the work uses institutional, culturological and constructivist approaches that allow scientifically arguing the author’s position. It was found that representatives of almost all religious denominations recognized the existential threat to humanity posed by the coronavirus and sided with the actions of state and municipal authorities to combat the pandemic. From the very beginning of the fight against the pandemic, the ROC built its policy on the basis of the recommendations of the secular authorities, even in cases where the possibility of performing religious rites and holding services was seriously limited. The internal conservative opposition did not radically influence the official policy of the church, while at the same time there is an increase in the social and civic activity of the ROC. The attitude to digitalization is associated with an understanding of the danger posed by technological capabilities in connection with the strengthening of state control over citizens and the restriction of rights and freedoms, including in the confessional sphere. At the same time, the church seeks to use the possibilities of modern technology to expand its influence, including among young people.


The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration


General Medicine

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