The Strategy of Economic Security of the Municipality from the Standpoint of ESG-Principles


Lapygin Yu. N.1,Karaman K. S.1


1. Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (Vladimir branch of RANEPA)


The practice of building strategies for the development of modern Russian municipalities is filled with both new methodological content and the content of the strategies themselves. So, for example, the release of the law on strategic planning in the Russian Federation was followed by the Decree of the President of Russia, which determined the strategy of economic security in the country and was reflected in the strategies of the regions and municipalities. However, in the methodological plan, there are no recommendations for determining the content of the elements of the economic security strategy both at the regional and municipal levels of government. Traditionally, the results of the analysis of factors of the external and internal environment serve as the basis for determining the content of strategies, but if we analyze the content of the results of the analysis and the content of the strategies, it is easy to see that these two subsystems of the strategy (the results of the analysis and the content of the strategy itself) are largely not interconnected. The purpose of this study is the desire to find tools that allow the transition from the results of the traditional SWOT analysis (but in terms of the non-traditional sphere of analysis — economic security) to the content of the economic security strategy of the municipality. Among the research methods used are content analysis of documents, the method of constructing morphological matrices, methods of grouping and generalization, as well as methods of logical analysis and synthesis of information within the subject area of the study. In this paper, on the example of one of the leading districts of the Vladimir region, an algorithm for the formation of an economic security strategy is shown, based on the application of ESG principles of sustainable development and economic security tasks limited by the powers of municipalities, the combination of which is filled with the content of the results of a modified SWOT analysis with subsequent aggregation of the formulated solutions in the strategy of economic security of the municipality. The result obtained in the study indicates that the economic security of the municipality in the form of interconnected projects and programs can be formed in three main directions that ensure security in the field of ecology, economy and society of the municipality. In the future, it is necessary to study the aspect related to the distribution of these projects and programs in the areas recommended by the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation in terms of implementing the law on strategic planning in the Russian Federation.


The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration


General Medicine

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