lnvestigation of the Effect of a Mechanical Stress Concentrator on the Processes of Occurrence and Development of Cracks in Structural Elements of Aviation Equipment


Sizonov I. I.1ORCID,Lebedev E. L.2,Popov A. N.3,Mukhin I. Е.1ORCID


1. Southwest State University

2. Mozhaisky Military Space Academy

3. JSC "Aviaautomatics" named after V. V. Tarasov"


The purpose of the research is investigation of the patterns of crack development in structural elements of aviation equipment from a stress concentrator under the influence of a force stretching along the main axis, symmetrical alternating loads (vibrations) and combined effects in order to determine the criticality of operation of aircraft products with crack-type defects, substantiation or refutation of the need for research and operation of the processes of development of stress-strain states preceding the occurrence of a crack, in systems and complexes of periodic, preflight and operational control of the technical condition of aircraft products.Methods. Еxperimental study of the patterns of crack development from a stress concentrator in structural elements of two form factors: a cylindrical sample (GOSТ 25347-82) simulating a stringer or a load-bearing structural beam, and a plate sample (GOSТ 1497-84), simulating an aircraft skin element. Cylindrical samples were subjected to deformation caused by the kinetics of rotation, plate samples were subjected to uniaxial tensile stress and the effects of alternating loads (vibrations) individually and in combination.Results. Тhe patterns of near-surface and deep crack development, their relationship with the frequency of application of symmetric alternating loads, have been studied. Еxpressions are established for the approximate engineering calculation of the material endurance limit, fracture surface area and constant endurance with an approximation accuracy Proceedings of the Southwest State University. Series: Control, Computer Engineering, of about 0.8. For samples in the form of flat plates, a stress-strain diagram is constructed, clearly illustrating the decrease in the endurance of the material to the effects of combined loads in relation to the effects of static tensile stresses only. Тhe approximate number of residual cycles before the structural element is destroyed is estimated, taking into account the amplitude-frequency parameters of the acting vibration in the presence of a crack in the sample. Тhe estimation method using the load intensity coefficient and mathematical expressions for its calculation is given.Conclusion. /t is concluded that it is necessary to analyze the dynamics of the development of stress-strain states (fatigue) of the material as states preceding the appearance of cracks in order to carry out sufficient control of the technical condition of structural elements of aircraft products.


Southwest State University

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