1. Tula State Lev Tolstoy Pedagogical University
The purpose of the work was to study of the regularities of changes in the physico-mechanical and corrosion properties of reinforcing steel 23Kh2G2T in hot-rolled and heat-treated (furnace tempering) states.Methods. The study of the physical and mechanical properties and resistance (long-term corrosion resistance) of bar reinforcement to stress corrosion cracking (SCC) was carried out on experimental melts of steel grade 23Kh2G2T. The choice of melts was made in such a way that their chemical composition corresponded, if possible, to the upper, middle and lower levels of the grade composition.To create experimental conditions as close as possible to operational ones, the tests were carried out in a boiling solution of nitrates (60% Ca(NO3)2 + 5% NH4NO3 + 35% H2O) at a temperature of 110°С and operating voltages σe = (0,1–0,8 )σВ. To elucidate the features of transformations occurring in steel during tempering, the temperature dependences of internal friction were taken from samples tempered at different temperatures.Processing of the results of the time dependence of the amplitude-independent internal friction was carried out according to the theory of Granato, Hikata, Lucke, which describes the kinetics of the return of internal friction due to the migration of point defects to dislocations.Results. It has been established that by controlling the chemical composition and technological regimes for the production of steel 23Kh2G2T, it is possible not only to sharply increase its resistance to cracking, but also to obtain a guaranteed complex of mechanical and corrosion properties. It was revealed that reinforcement made of 23Kh2G2T steel should be produced with mandatory tempering. The greatest resistance to stress corrosion cracking with practically unchanged strength for reinforcement made of steel 23Kh2G2T is provided by 2-hour tempering in the temperature range of 350…400°С.Conclusion. The results obtained can be used to establish patterns of behavior of various types of ingot, powder and composite materials with high dispersion in phase and structural components in various conditions and states.
Southwest State University
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