1. Novikov E. P., Ageev E. V., Sytchenko A. D. K voprosu o pererabotke alyuminievykh otkhodov elektroerozionnym dispergirovaniem [To the question of processing of aluminum waste by electroerosion dispersion]. Sovremennye materialy, tekhnika i tekhnologii = Modern materials, technology and technologies, 2015, vol. 1(1), pp. 169–172.
2. Ageev E. V., Ageeva E. V., Khoriakova N. M. Sostav i svoistva mednykh poroshkov, poluchennykh elektroerozionnym dispergirovaniem [Composition and properties of copper powders obtained by electroerosion dispersion]. Kursk, Universitetskaya kniga Publ., 2014. 144 p.
3. Ageev E. V., Semenikhin B. A., Ageeva E. V., Latypov R. A. Issledovanie khimicheskogo sostava poroshkov, poluchennykh elektroerozionnym dispergirovaniem tverdogo splava [Investigation of the chemical composition of powders obtained by electroerosion dispersion of hard alloy]. Izvestiya YugoZapadnogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Seriya: Tekhnika i tekhnologii = Proceedings of the Southwest State University. Series: Engineering and Technologies, 2011, no. 5-1 (38), pp. 138–144.
4. Ageeva E. V., Latypov R. A., Burak P. I., Ageev E. V. Poluchenie tverdosplavnykh izdelii kholodnym izostaticheskim pressovaniem elektroerozionnykh poroshkov i ikh issledovanie [Production of hard alloy products by cold isostatic pressing of electroerosion powders and their research]. Izvestiya YugoZapadnogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta = Proceedings of the Southwest State University. Series: Engineering and Technologies, 2011, no. 5 (50), pp. 116–125.
5. Ageev E. V., Latypova G. R., Davydov A. A., Ageeva E. V. Provedenie rentgenospektral'nogo mikroanaliza tverdosplavnykh elektroerozionnykh poroshkov [X-ray spectral microanalysis of carbide electroerosion powders]. Izvestiya Yugo-Zapadnogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Seriya: Tekhnika i tekhnologii = Proceedings of the Southwest State University. Series: Engineering and Technologies, 2012, no. 5-2 (44), pp. 99–102.