Study of the Sorption of Phenol with Non-Food Waste Wheat Processing


Burykina O. V.1ORCID,Konovaltseva Z. S.1,Volvenkina К. V.1


1. Southwest State University


The purpose of the work is to study the process of phenol sorption by wheat processing wastes. Much attention is paid to environmental protection in the modern world, especially water resources, since clean water is necessary for human existence. Modern enterprises of various industries and agriculture are increasingly introducing waste-free technologies or highly efficient wastewater treatment methods into production. One of the simple in hardware design and implementation, but very effective, is the sorption method. The use of production waste as sorbents is very promising, because. allows, in addition to the environmental problem, to solve the issue of disposal or recycling of production waste.Methods.When studying the composition of chaff wheat, the following methods were used: determination of ash and moisture by weight; cellulose nitrogen-alcohol, pentosans spectrophotometric with orsin, lignin Komarov's method. Sorption of phenol by wheat processing waste was carried out by the method of single-stage static sorption at a temperature of 250C.Identification of the nature of phenol sorption by non-food waste from grain processing was carried out using the IR spectroscopy method. Using the Nicoleti S50 FT-IR IR-Fourier spectrometer without molding tablets in the range of 4000 400 cm-1, the IR spectra of phenol, wheat chaff and wheat chaff after phenol sorption were taken.Results. Analysis of the chemical composition of wheat waste (chaff) showed that the main components are cellulose (34.8%), pentazans (19.7%), lignin (23.1%).When analyzing the obtained IR spectra, it was found that in the IR spectrum of non-food waste from wheat processing after phenol sorption, a peak appears at 2323.37 cm-1, which is associated with the formation of a bond between the mobile hydrogen atom of the benzyl alcohol group of lignin with the hydroxyl group of phenol .Conclusion. IR-spectroscopic study of the process of sorption of phenol by non-food waste from wheat processing (chaff) showed that during the sorption of phenol, a chemical bond arises between the sorbent and the sorbate, which manifests itself in the IR spectrum as a new absorption band.


Southwest State University

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