1. Korenevskij N. A., Shutkin A. N., Gorbatenko S. A., Serebrovskij V. I. Ocenka i upravlenie sostoyaniya zdorov'ya obuchayushchihsya na osnove gibridnyh intellektual'nyh tekhnologij [Assessment and management of the health status of students based on hybrid intellectual technologies]. Staryj Oskol, Tonkie naukoemkie texnologii Publ., 2016. 472 p.
2. Korenevskij N. A., Serebrovskij V. I., Stepashov R. V., Govoruxina T. N. Ispol'zovanie tekhnologii myagkih vychislenij dlya prognozirovaniya i diagnostiki professional'nyh zabolevanij rabotnikov agropromyshlennogo kompleksa [Using Soft Computing Technology to Predict and Diagnose Occupational Diseases of Agro-Industrial Workers]. Kursk, Kursk State Agricultural Academy Publ., 2016. 224 p.
3. Korenevskij N. A. Metod sinteza geterogennyh nechetkih pravil dlya analiza i upravleniya sostoyaniem biotekhnicheskih sistem [Method for the synthesis of heterogeneous fuzzy rules for the analysis and control of the state of biotechnical systems]. Izvestiya Yugo-Zapadnogo gosudarstvennogo universitetyu. Seriya: Upravlenie, vychislitel'naya tekhnika, informatika. Medicinskoe priborostroenie = Proceedings of the Southwest State University. Series: Control, Computer Engineering, Information Science. Medical Instruments Engineering, 2013, no. 2, pp. 99–103.
4. Serebrovskij V. I., Myasoedova M. A., Serebrovskij V. V., eds. Prognozirovanie i rannyaya diagnostika professional'nyh zabolevanij v elektroenergetike na osnove metodologii sinteza gibridnyh nechetkih reshayushchih pravil [Forecasting and early diagnosis of occupational diseases in the electric power industry based on the methodology for the synthesis of hybrid fuzzy decision rules]. Kursk, Kursk State Agricultural Academy Publ., 2019. 285 p.
5. Korenevskij N. A., Bashir A. S., Gorbatenko S. A. Sintez gibridnyh nechetkih pravil dlya prognozirovaniya, ocenki i upravleniya sostoyaniem zdorov'ya v ekologi-cheski neblagopriyatnyh regionah [Synthesis of hybrid fuzzy rules for forecasting, assessment and management of health in ecologically unfavorable regions]. Izvestiya Yugo-Zapadnogo gosudarstvennogo universitetyu. Seriya: Upravlenie, vychislitel'naya tekhnika, informatika. Medicinskoe priborostroenie = Proceedings of the Southwest State University. Series: Control, Computer Engineering, Information Science. Medical Instruments Engineering, 2013, no. 4, pp. 69–73.