Analysis of the Functional Capabilities of Technical tools for Measuring Aircraft Mechanical Parameters


Mukhin I. E.1,Koptev D. S.1


1. Southwest State University


The purpose of research is to analyze the functionality of classical and advanced sensors for controlling the mechanical parameters of aircraft using the example of strain and vibration sensors to identify their current areas of development.Methods. Research methods are based on the concepts of the theory of sensory systems, the theory of diagnostics and forecasting of the technical condition of aircraft. Methods of multi-criteria analysis, parametric and structural synthesis are used. The principles of operation, as well as the functionality of the main classical sensors used in aircraft to control the parameters of deformation and vibration, are analyzed. A critical assessment of the possibilities of using the analyzed sensors for implementation in various tasks of aviation diagnostics of mechanical parameters has been made.Results. It has been established that the impact of flight loads on the airframe and critical components of aircraft is accompanied by the appearance of hidden deformations in the form of mechanical stresses, which are divided into two components: normal and tangential. Analytical dependencies are obtained for calculating the above quantities using fiber-optic sensors with distributed Bragg cells that convert the change in their own linear dimensions into a change in the reflected wavelength. A necessary condition for obtaining correct measurement results is the temperature compensation of the cells, which makes it possible to localize the places of deformations with an accuracy up to the location of a particular cell. The practical results of using alternative sensors for detecting hidden deformations (cracks) based on radio frequency identification methods in various frequency ranges are presented.Conclusion. The development of the method for diagnosing stress-strain states of aircraft complex units is the use of frequency-Doppler fiber-optic sensors with a high signal-to-noise ratio and a spherical radiation pattern, which will allow developing technical means for monitoring the dynamics of internal deformations of controlled units in real time. As promising areas of research in the field of creating new sensors with new physical properties, fiber-optic Bragg sensors with an inclined grating should be considered. 


Southwest State University

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