Practical Results of Computational and Experimental Investigations to Determine the Ranges of Change of the Main Controlled Parameters of Promising Aviation Complexes


Mukhin I. E.1,Koptev D. S.1


1. Southwest State University


The purpose of research is to determine the list of necessary controlled parameters of promising aviation systems, which represent a complex system of interaction "pilot - aircraft - environment", as well as to assess the ranges of their change.Methods. Research methods are based on the concepts of the theory of diagnostics and prognosis of the technical condition of aircraft, ergonomic systems. Methods of multi-criteria analysis, parametric and structural synthesis are used.Results. It is shown that the choice of the range of controlled helicopter units is determined by their purpose, the severity of consequences in case of failure, testability, operating conditions and modes, the predicted level of reliability, as well as the experience of operating prototypes and analogues. A variant of organizing a parallel system for diagnosing and predicting the technical condition of advanced aviation systems has been developed. This article presents a stochastic (probabilistic) diagnostic model of damage to the inter-rotor bearing of an aircraft engine, designed to study the correlation dimension of a vibration signal, which imitates the spectral composition of a real vibration signal, with a different form of amplitude distribution density. A decisive rule for predicting engine failure 8-9 flights before the destruction of the inter-rotor bearing is presented.Conclusion. For objective control of the parameters of units of heavy and light helicopters, they are divided into 10 groups, for each of which the composition of diagnostic control sensors is determined based on an analysis of the necessary and sufficient values of the parameters in real time. The range of measurements of specific physical quantities is assigned at the stage of designing one or another vital system of the aircraft. Limits of measurement of parameters are set during regular measurements, as well as at the stages of verification and testing of state control. A variant of the formation of a boundary separating a good and a faulty state, described by a hypersurface, is presented.


Southwest State University

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