Aerodynamics and Heat Transfer of Swirling Natural Gas Flow in a Vortex Heat Exchanger of the Heating System of a Gas Control Point


Grigorova N. P.1,Monastyrev P. V.2,Pakhomova E. G.1,Semicheva N. E.1


1. Southwest State University

2. Tambov State Technical University


Purpose of research. To obtain a two-parameter model characterizing the aerodynamic and heat exchange processes occurring in a vortex heat exchanger, giving a better agreement between the calculated and experimental values of the heat transfer coefficient taking into account the curvature of the swirling gas flow in a vortex heat exchanger, in which a controlled gas pressure drop is used as a source of thermal energy. This technical solution will make it possible to abandon the installation of autonomous sources of thermal energy, which will reduce the cost of gas as a fuel in the heating system of the industrial premises of the gas distribution point (GDP), as well as provide more comfortable working conditions for the hydraulic fracturing pressure regulator. Methods. Comprehensive analysis of thermal and hydraulic characteristics in a vortex heat exchanger is based on well-known theoretical positions and equations of motion of a swirling gas flow and heat exchange laws. Results. It is obtained a dependence that characterizes the intensification of heat transfer based on the influence of the axial and rotational speed, as well as the path of motion of the swirling gas flow. This dependence is obtained on the basis of a comprehensive analysis of the aerodynamic and heat exchange characteristics of a vortex heat exchanger, in which a controlled gas pressure drop is used as a source of thermal energy. Conclusion. The obtained two-parameter model gives the best agreement of the calculated values of the heat transfer coefficient with the values obtained experimentally, which were used in the thermal engineering calculation of the design parameters of the vortex heat exchanger.


Southwest State University


General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Engineering,General Environmental Science

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