1. Southwest State University
Purpose of research. Inspection and assessment of the technical condition of the enclosing structures of a residential building located at st. Engelsa, 107 in Kursk were carried out in connection with the development of the reinforcement project.Methods. Inspection of the technical condition of buildings and structures is necessary to determine the residual resource and service life of the building structures. The current regulatory documents require an examination of the technical condition of buildings and structures no later than two years after their commissioning. In the future, the inspection of the technical condition of buildings and structures is carried out at least once every 10 years and at least once every five years for buildings and structures or their individual elements operating in adverse conditions (aggressive environments, vibrations, high humidity, seismicity of the area 7 points and more, etc.). A permanent monitoring regime is established for unique buildings and structures.Results. In the process of examining a residential building located at st. Engelsa, 107, the following tasks have been solved: determination of damage to enclosing structures; analysis of the results of the study of the degree of wear of building structures; implementation of proposals for strengthening the brickwork. To eliminate the above damages, a proposal was developed to increase the rigidity of the above-foundation part of the building, having previously excluded soaking the foundation soil: by repairing the blind area and heating, water supply and sewerage networks.Conclusion. The solution of a narrow task of strengthening individual structures of buildings and structures may not give the desired result, therefore, when performing inspection work, it is necessary to consider the existing defects and damage in the complex. Within the framework of this work, we consider the strengthening of the load-bearing walls of a residential building with an increase in the overall rigidity of the above-foundation part of the building and the elimination of individual damages.
Southwest State University
General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Engineering,General Environmental Science
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