Some Peculiarities of Translation of Medical Texts (on the Example of Cardiological Material)


Korogodina S. V.1,Vlasenko N. I.1


1. Southwest State University


Medicine is one of the most dynamically developing fields, requiring from translators not only specialised skills, but also basic knowledge of medicine. The present study is devoted to the study of specific features of medical texts and ways of their translation from English into Russian. The aim of the study is to identify the most overlooked problems that may be encountered when translating medical texts and to provide solutions to them. The subject of the study was the peculiarities encountered during the translation from English into Russian of the original practical manual on electrocardiography. The methodological basis of this study was formed by the solid sampling method, descriptive method and method of linguocultural analysis of linguistic material. As a result of the study, a number of features is identified that require increased attention when working with medical texts: borrowing words from Latin and Greek, the use of complex abbreviations and acronyms, the transition to gender-neutral pronouns, the translation of mnemonics, differences in classifications and health care systems. The ways of their translation are also analysed, and appropriate equivalents are selected. The methods of their translation are also analyzed and the appropriate equivalents are selected. General recommendations for overcoming the highlighted translation difficulties are given. Knowledge of morphemes of Greek and Latin origin, the ability to adapt the translation to the realities of another country, continuous professional development will help to overcome difficulties in translation. The skills of working with dictionaries and handbooks play an important role in the translation of a professionally-oriented vocabulary layer and the choice of expressions suitable for the meaning. In conclusion, the competencies that a translator in the medical field should possess in order to perform a high-quality adequate translation of medical texts are given.


Southwest State University

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