Socio-Psychological Features of Gender-Role Socialization of Children of Different Ages


Budovskaya I. V.1ORCID


1. Southwestern State University


In the modern world, with the development of technologies, which are one of the most priority sources of information for children about norms and patterns of behavior, cultural values, and moral ideals, special attention is paid to the formation of a rather important aspect of life, as a model of human relationships “man-woman”. The purpose of the study is to study the socio-psychological characteristics of gender role socialization of children of different ages as a factor in a differentiated approach to the education and development of different sexes. The relevance of our research is due to the role of educational institutions in the gender-role socialization of children in the modern world: pedagogical support of this process with knowledge of the psychological characteristics of the gender development of children will allow us to avoid the great influence of natural factors on the upbringing of the younger generation.Through gender socialization, a person perceives any information and also transmits it to the world around him. An empirical study was conducted to study the socio-psychological characteristics of gender-role socialization of children of different ages and to determine the conditions for overcoming the problems of gender-gender self-determination of children. 45 schoolchildren of the ANO secondary school “Academic Gymnasium” took part in the study


Southwest State University

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