About Discipline “Scientific Communication in Foreign Language” in Postgraduate Studies


Levina L. V.1ORCID,Levin A. I.2ORCID


1. Southwest State University

2. Regional News Agency "Kursk"


Purpose of research. Nowadays the ability to implement scientific communication in a foreign language is an indicator of university teacher`s professional competence. This determines the relevance of the inclusion of the discipline "Scientific communication in a foreign language" into the curricula of postgraduate studies. The purpose of the research is to determine the role of this discipline regarding postgraduate students` preparation to scientific research.Methods. As a methodological basis, the authors apply the communicative approach involving postgraduate students in oral and written communication in the foreign language. The authors consider the formation of foreign language communicative competence taking into account general methodological principles of foreign language teaching.Results. The results of the research reveal the importance of mastering foreign language skills both in oral and written scientific communication in the context of publishing activities, presentation of research results and participation in scientific conferences. It is noted that knowledge of professional terminology in a foreign language increases the competitiveness of a specialist. The importance of communicative practice is specially noted. The annual round table of postgraduate students "Modern world trends in the development of science and technology" is described as an opportunity to practice public speech in a foreign language.Conclusion. The authors have come to the conclusion that the discipline "Scientific communication in a foreign language" forms the competence of a researcher dealing with the following activities: preparation for publication in a foreign scientific journal; participation in scientific conferences, use of a foreign language in teaching.


Southwest State University

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