Information Processing Algorithms in the Steel-Teeming Ladles Tracking System in Steelmaking


Trofimenko Y. M.1ORCID,Ershov E. V.2,Varfolomeev I. A.2


1. «Severstal Digital» LLC (limited liability company)

2. Cherepovets State University


Purpose of research. The purpose of research is to increase the efficiency of control over the movement of steel ladles in steelmaking, through the development of mathematical and software.Methods. The control of the movement of steel-pouring ladles can be divided into 2 parts: the first is the object detection in the image from a camera located on a certain section of the route, followed by determining the position of the object in the frame, and the second part is identification based on an array of data from different systems. Methods used in research are: mathematical modeling, neural networks, the basics of the theory of algorithms construction, as well as software and hardware of modern computer technologies. The article describes a model for the routes generation for the movement of steel ladles, on the basis of which the control of the movement of steel ladles is carried out. Algorithmic support is a combination of such algorithms as: an algorithm for generating possible routes for moving steel ladles, an algorithm for determining the position of a steel ladle on a route for moving steel ladles, an algorithm for identifying a steel ladle and a generalized algorithm for processing information. The structuralfunctional organization of the tracking system for steel-pouring ladles in steel-smelting production is given.Results. Experimental verification of algorithmic support was carried out on a test data set, which was formed from real technological data. Adaptation and tuning of the algorithms and software will make it possible to apply this software system in steelmaking plants with a different composition of plant units.Conclusion. Control over the movement of steel ladles allows build the process so that the movement of liquid steel will cause minimal heat loss. The need to heat steel in secondary processing units is correlates with energy costs. Thus, reducing heat loss and downtime of steel ladles will reduce energy costs for the entire process.


Southwest State University


General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Engineering,General Environmental Science

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