Digitalization from the Perspective of the Regional Community


Kilimova L. V.1ORCID,Cherkashin M. D.1ORCID,Tatarenkova D. Yu.1,Pashutko D. S.1


1. Southwest State University


Relevance. Currently, digitalization processes and the introduction of new technological innovations in Russian society lead to a restructuring of not only economic but also social relations, thereby predetermining both new opportunities and new risks. However, the degree of influence of these risks on individuals and society, their positive and negative effects in the scientific community have not yet been sufficiently formulated.The purpose is to identify the attitude of the regional population towards the digitalization of society and risk factors associated with the introduction of digital technologies into the life of society.Objectives: to analyze the manifestation of the digitalization process and its risks in the perception of the regional community; explore the degree of influence of digitalization risks on the life of society.Methodology. The study uses general scientific methods of cognition of social phenomena: structural-logical analysis and methods of theoretical generalization ‒ to clarify concepts and construct research conclusions; sociological methods for obtaining empirical data.Results. The population of the regional community has an understanding of the digital society, digitalization processes and various manifestations of risks in the digital society. Transformations in the digital sphere can bring catastrophically large-scale changes in society, and can transform not only the surrounding reality, but the person himself and the world around him.Conclusions. In modern digital society, the probabilistic manifestation of risks is not fully identified and their impact on the life of society is not assessed. Digitalization should be aimed at creating advantages (conveniences) in various aspects of everyday life and providing every citizen with equal opportunities to access services, information and knowledge provided on the basis of information and communication technologies.


Southwest State University

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