Institutional Foundations for the Formation of a Resource-Innovative Model for the Development of the Economy of Russia and Its Regions


Kulikov M. V.1ORCID


1. Southwest State University


Relevance. Global and tectonic shifts in the world economy that occurred in the XXI century in the world inevitably reflected on the state of national economies. The Russian economy, over a decade of economic sanctions against it, which are practically open-ended sabotage by the United States and a number of Western countries against the Russian critical infrastructure - the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline on September 26, 2022, has found itself in a situation of de facto complete stoppage of export-import operations in the field of foreign trade with European countries.The purpose is to study the institutional foundations of the formation of a resource-innovative model of economic growth in the modern Russian economy. The objectives are interrelated and consist in the following: to analyze an array of economic scientific papers on the problem of research; to analyze the institutional foundations for the formation of a resource-innovative model of the development of the Russian economy; to determine the dynamics of budget financing of scientific research for the period from 2012 to 2022, etc. Methodology is a combination of general scientific research methods – analysis, synthesis of received information, interpretation of data. The information base of the study includes presidential decrees, strategic planning documents, national projects, scientific articles by Russian researchers on the problem under study. Results: the main problems of forming a resource-innovative model of economic growth in Russia at the present stage of economic development are identified; the shortcomings of the state policy in the field of financing R&D, innovative solutions and products that hinder the activities of innovative enterprises in the real sector of the economy are revealed.Conclusions. The Russian economy remains raw in its essential content. However, the introduction of digitalization technologies, artificial intelligence, new ideas and knowledge are gradually forming a resourceinnovative model for the development of the Russian economy.


Southwest State University

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