Issues of Activation of Economic Instruments for Managing Resource-Saving Processes


Kulikov M. V.1ORCID


1. Southwest State University


Relevance.  The problems of sustainable development, the development of a resource-saving economy, and a closed-loop economy are becoming increasingly relevant for the Russian Federation, as a state whose economy accounts for a significant volume of its raw materials sector. The stable state of the extractive industry enterprises, the continuing internal and external demand for natural resources of our country reinforce the need to form and implement a balanced macro- and mesoeconomical resource conservation policy, financial and investment support for extractive and processing enterprises to implement environmental and environmental programs, as well as further development and improvement of economic tools for managing resource conservation processes.The purpose of the study is to determine the composition of the main economic tools for managing resourcesaving processes presented in modern Russian economics and found in the practice of individual business entities. The objectives are as follows: to investigate the theoretical foundations of the development of the main economic instruments for managing resource conservation processes; to determine the main directions of modern macroeconomic policy, implemented state programs of the Russian Federation of an environmental orientation; to propose a general description of economic instruments for managing resource conservation processes.The methodology is a combination of general scientific research methods – analysis, synthesis of received information, interpretation of data. The study uses data from the statistical observation of current (operational) environmental protection costs in the Russian Federation, posted on the official website of the Federal Statistics Service. Results. Some recommendations are proposed to expand the possibilities of using economic tools for managing resource conservation processes in the subjects of the Russian Federation.Conclusions. In modern Russian economics, in general, the composition of economic instruments for managing resource-saving processes has been formed. The main economic tool for managing resource-saving processes on the part of the state is government subsidies to the regions of Russia. Economic entities, primarily corporate businesses, also make a significant contribution to protective and environmental measures.


Southwest State University

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