The Economic Aspect of the Importance of a Balanced Diet: Reducing the Burden On Healthcare


Masterova S. N.1ORCID


1. Lomonosov Moscow State University


Relevance. The study of a balanced diet of the population is relevant at the present time, since a healthy diet is one of the key factors affecting human health and preventing the development of many diseases. It is also important to maintain optimal physical and mental health, increase productivity and improve quality of life. Malnutrition and obesity increase health care costs because more resources are needed to treat related diseases. This puts pressure on health budgets and may worsen the availability of medical care for other patients.The purpose of the study is to assess the economic aspect of the importance of a balanced diet.Objectives Objectives: to study the essence and main criteria of a balanced diet; to identify health problems associated with an unbalanced diet of the population; to consider the increase in the number of obese patients as a health problem.Methodology. The methodological basis of the study was the idea that there is a connection between a balanced diet of the population and the burden on the country's health care. Results. The analysis carried out in the work showed that malnutrition and obesity increase health care costs, since more resources are needed to treat diseases related to these problems. This puts pressure on health budgets and may worsen the availability of medical care for other patients. Conclusions. A balanced diet can lead to lower health care costs by reducing the risk of developing chronic diseases such as obesity, cardiovascular disease and diabetes. This can lead to lower healthcare costs for individuals and society as a whole. In addition, a balanced diet can increase productivity and reduce absenteeism in the workplace. When people eat right, they are less prone to fatigue, illness and other diseases that can affect their ability to work effectively. This can lead to increased productivity and economic growth.


Southwest State University

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