Digital Opportunities for the Implementation of Transactions with Residential Premises


Arman A.1ORCID


1. Astrakhan Tatishchev State University


Relevance.Digitalization processes have covered many areas of modern human life, information and communication technologies are forming a new reality – digital reality. Digital technologies are also being widely introduced into the legal sphere, including the turnover of real estate, the execution of transactions with it. The implementation of transactions with residential premises is among the problems that have not lost their significance for decades, having fundamentally important social and economic significance, digitalization of transactions with residential premises increases the level of relevance. Digital modernization also generates a number of problems, one of the main problems is the state's unwillingness to systematically transform the legal regulation of public relations, which is largely due to the lack of legislation necessary to regulate digitalization, the absence of a single definitive apparatus; the above fully applies to transactions with residential premises.The purposeof the article is to attract the attention of the scientific community to the issues of digital opportunities for the implementation of transactions with residential premises, to familiarize with the results of the author's research in the designated area.Objectives:consideration of approaches to the concept of "digitalization" presented in modern legal science; consideration of the procedure for concluding transactions with residential premises using digital technologies; formation of proposals for improving the current Russian legislation.Methodology.The methodology of the undertaken research is based on the achievements of the general theory of law, private law and public law science, which make it possible to systematize the available theoretical and empirical data on the digital possibilities of implementing transactions with residential premises.Results.In the course of the undertaken research, the risks faced by participants in civil law relations (in particular, when implementing transactions with residential premises) were identified, a number of promising proposals aimed at improving the regulatory framework were developed.Conclusion.Digitalization of transactions with residential premises indicates the correlation of relevant legal procedures to the level and requirements of the development of information and communication technologies. The authors substantiate the prospects of digital opportunities for the implementation of transactions with residential premises.


Southwest State University

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