Methodological Basis for Systematization of Objects of Civil Rights: Problem Statement


Semenova E. G.1ORCID


1. Kikot Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia


Relevance. The development of the latest information, biomedical and other technologies has determined the emergence of new benefits to which the interest of subjects of civil law is directed, which determines the vivacity of the scientific assessment of their essence and legal nature. Objects of civil rights require comprehensive research not only within the scope of their qualifications, but also in the context of systemic analysis. The main methodological problem is the lack of a systematic approach to the presentation of the normative provisions of the current civil legislation regulating the objects of civil rights, as well as certain methodological omissions at the doctrinal level regarding the conceptual basis for systematizing the objects of civil rights. The purpose of the study is to establish the methodological basis for systematizing the objects of civil rights. Objectives: analyze legislative and doctrinal approaches to building a system of objects of civil rights, identify their shortcomings and ways to eliminate them. Methodology. When writing the work, the method of analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, general logical techniques and tools of the systems approach were used. Results. It is substantiated that effective legal regulation cannot be carried out by simply listing the objects of civil rights and/or enshrining the legal regime of some of them in legislation in isolation from other elements of the mechanism of legal regulation. Conclusions. As a methodological basis, the use of a systematic approach is substantiated, which will allow establishing criteria for classifying an object as an object of civil rights, determining its legal regime, providing a special procedure for regulation, conditions and procedure for the emergence, implementation and termination of subjective rights, the object of which is such an object of civil law, their protection.


Southwest State University

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