Criminological Risks of Personal Data: Main Trends and Forecasts


Alikhadzhiyeva I. S.1ORCID


1. Russian Criminological Association named after Azalea Ivanovna Dolgova


Relevance of the article is due to the global growth worldwide of crimes committed against or using human personal data. In terms of the number of leaks to the Global Network of Personal Confidential Information, Russia ranks second in the world, and therefore one of the serious problems in our country can be crime associated with the illegal trafficking of personal data. The article presents an original analysis of the main trends and criminological risks of this type of crime as a new segment of Russian crime. Using examples of investigative and judicial practice, statistical data, expert assessments, the main trends of this type of crime are shown and a forecast of its further development is based.The purpose of the study is to identify and formulate the main trends and criminological risks associated with the illegal receipt and/or use of personal confidential information.Objectives: on the basis of materials of criminological research, statistical data, investigative and judicial practice, to identify and subject to subsequent comprehension the main trends and criminological risks of illegal trafficking in personal data.Methodology. In the process of work, methods of theoretical research (analysis, synthesis, induction and deduction), as well as statistical, documentary and formal-logical methods were used.The results. Based on expert assessments, statistical data and investigative and judicial practice, the main trends in the development of crime with personal data have been established, which affect the qualitative and quantitative transformation of all Russian crime as a whole. A certain gap in criminological science has been filled in terms of the formulation of criminological risks, the development of which can lead to an increase in latent criminal violence, fraudulent actions, corruption, extortion, violation of human rights and freedoms, etc.Conclusion. Until now, the state and the legislator have not fully understood the socially dangerous consequences of committing crimes with personal data. Their illegal trafficking has significant criminogenic potential, which is minimized by the prevention measures developed by science and the legislator.


Southwest State University

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