The Attitude of Kursk Region Population to the Individuals’ Bankruptcy: a Sociological Analysis


Podgorny B. B.1ORCID


1. Southwest State University


Relevance. The relevance of the study lies in the need to clarify the attitude of the regional population to the bankruptcy of individuals and determine the most significant characteristics that form it.The purpose is determine the attitude of the Kursk region population to the individuals’ bankruptcy and the main factors that form the current attitude.Objectives: determine the installation of the population to return debts; find out the awareness and attitude of the population towards the bankruptcy procedure; determine the impact of socio-economic and demographic characteristics on the studied indicators.Methodology: analysis of documents; questionnaire survey of the population; the habitual structure was determined by comparing the direction of the respondents’ main disposition and their effective capital; the results processing, analysis, comparison and determination of the dependence of indicators on the respondentsэ characteristics was carried out using the SPSS program (statistical tables and contingency tables).Results. Most of the Kursk region population believes that debts must be repaid. Only a fifth of the respondents allow exceptions in the matter of repayment of debts. At the same time, only 26 percent consider non-repayment of debts a shameful phenomenon. The same number - 26 percent - equates bankruptcy with a life catastrophe, the rest admit that bankruptcy is an unpleasant circumstance, but does not radically change people's lives. Positive and negative attitudes towards persons who have gone through the bankruptcy procedure are distributed almost equally. The probability of a personal appeal to the bankruptcy procedure was expressed by about 40 percent, 30 percent do not consider such an option for themselves, the same number cannot answer this question.Conclusions. The results of the study allow us to state that the greatest influence on the attitude of the Kursk region population to the individuals’ bankruptcy has its habitual structure, type of employment and education. The gender indicator affects only the assessment of the individuals’ bankruptcy as a phenomenon. Marital status and the amount of income per family member do not affect the attitude to bankruptcy.


Southwest State University

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