Lending as a Criterion for the Well-Being of the Population


Vetrova O. A.1,Nishnianidze O. O.1,Afanas'eva V. A.1


1. Southwest State University


Relevance. Well-being is often used in modern socio-economic research as one of the main categories. One of the criteria of well–being is lending, which is an important part of the life of the population and has a great impact on the development of society in general and the individual in particular. The study of lending and its impact on human well-being contributes to the creation of a holistic image of the socio-economic situation of the population. The purpose is to determine the impact of lending on the well-being of the population, as well as the subjective assessment of loans by the population, expressed in relation to credit products. Objectives: assess the place of lending in the category of well-being of the population; consider the loan from a social point of view; to determine the ratio of respondents using / not using credit; to study respondents' ideas about the essence of loans; to assess the attitude of the population to loans; to determine the impact of loans on the emotional state of a person; to determine the impact of loans on the situation in the country. Methodology. The structural and functional approach within the framework of the systemic picture of the world was used as the methodological basis of the study. The authors also applied general scientific methods: analysis, comparison, generalization. In addition, methods of correlation and variance analysis were applied. Results. The main results are defined as follows: within the framework of this article, an empirical study was conducted, on the basis of which the importance of lending for the well-being of the individual and the region was determined; the respondents' attitude to credit products and the frequency of their access to them were assessed. Conclusions. The paper characterizes the importance of lending for both the individual and the economic system. The results of the study allowed us to conclude that more than half of the respondents are neutral about loans; also, about half of the respondents turn to them. The subjective assessment of the impact of loans on the well– being of the individual is high, on the well-being of the region is low. In addition, most of the respondents associate loans with something positive.


Southwest State University

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