Nature-Saving Practices on the Territory of a Higher Educational Institution


Prelikova E. A.1ORCID,Yushin V. V.1ORCID,Kopylov M. R.1ORCID,Trifonov A. P.1ORCID


1. Southwest State University


Relevance. One of the global problems of our time is environmental pollution. The problem of filling huge territories with plastic waste is becoming more acute every year. The main reason for this is the inability to process the entire volume of plastic formed as a result of the vital activity of the population. The problem can be mitigated by reducing the amount of plastic consumption in a person's daily life and organizing the practice of separate collection of plastic, which will still be used by the population. The purpose is to research and develop one of the options for nature–saving practice on the territory of Southwestern State University. Objectives: to study the respondents' readiness to improve the plastic waste management system; to identify the main problems associated with the formation of an effective plastic management system; to develop one of the options for nature-saving practices. Methodology. Theoretical-methodological, structural-functional and sociological analysis of studying the issue of improving the plastic waste management system were used to solve the tasks. Results: the main problems of the formation of the plastic waste management system are identified; the readiness of employees and students of the university to improve the plastic waste management system is analyzed; the option of installing an apparatus for receiving plastic as a nature-saving practice on the territory of a higher educational institution is proposed. Conclusions. The implementation of nature-saving practices on the territory of a higher educational institution is a way to solve the growing conflicts in the socio-ecological sphere. The formation of a sustainable and efficient plastic waste management system will contribute to ensuring the environmental safety of the territory. According to the results of the conducted sociological research, the main problems of forming an effective plastic waste management system are insufficient or incorrect location of plastic collection/reception sites, weak popularization of separate waste collection, as well as insufficient motivation to carry out.


Southwest State University

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