Assessment of the Spatial Distribution of Rural Settlements in the Tambov Region


Medvedeva O. A.1ORCID


1. Derzhavin Tambov State University


Relevance. With the rapid industrialization and continuous socio-economic progress of Russia, the spatial distribution of rural settlements is undergoing significant changes. The globalization of the economy, regional differences, changes in agriculture and the characteristics of villages, as well as the sustainable recovery of rural social economy are becoming important areas of research around the world. The purpose of the study is to search for opportunities for the development of rural settlements in the Tambov region based on their spatial distribution. Objectives: analysis of the density of rural settlements and population density; calculation of the average nearest neighbor ratio for each district and the Tambov region as a whole; formation of measures for the economic development of rural settlements of the Tambov region. The methodology of the study includes an analysis of the density of rural settlements and population density, determining the type of distribution of rural settlements in the Tambov region through the calculation of the average distance index to the nearest neighbor. Results. A combined grouping of village councils of the Tambov region was carried out according to the density of rural settlements and population density. The vast majority of rural councils belong to the group with an average density of settlements and a low population density (143 units), as well as to the group with two low indicators (69 units). For rural settlements of the Tambov region, the average ratio of nearest neighbors (R) was 0,733, which indicates a clustered type of distribution of settlements in the region. Conclusions. Based on the type of distribution of rural settlements in the Tambov region, the author proposed a model of a territorial production complex (TPC). The model was developed taking into account the categories of the population living in rural areas of the Tambov region. This model is based on a group of manufacturing enterprises, often farms, which are the foundation of the TPC.


Southwest State University

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