Economic Security, Sanctions and Reorientation of Russian Foreign Trade Flows


Anisimova Y. A.1,Plotnikov V. A.1ORCID


1. St. Petersburg State University of Economics


Relevance. Under the conditions of sanctions pressure, Russia needs to protect its economic interests and strengthen economic security. Therefore, the reorientation of foreign trade flows requires additional analysis. The purpose is to consider the direction of reorientation of Russian foreign trade flows in the context of anti‒ Russian sanctions.Objectives: to determine the main agenda of world trade policy; to identify common priorities of world trade; to provide quantitative data on the volume of trade of countries, to analyze the specifics of trade agreements over a decade, to identify the main economic method of pressure on states; to provide data on Russia's trade with other countries; to consider the Russian export commodity structure; to identify the relationship between the share in the commodity structure goods and growth rates in stable and crisis periods; identify priority export Russian goods in modern conditions.Methodology. The research methodology included the use of methods of analysis of quantitative and qualitative characteristics, correlation analysis, description, retrospective analysis, abstraction, generalization of the analyzed information.Results. The reasons for the forced change in the direction of foreign trade flows are not only direct pressure on the Russian economy, but also global trends of deglobalization and regionalization. The current trading partners, despite the restrictions imposed, continue to trade with Russia. When finding potential allies, the focus is primarily on the reliability, security and strength of partners on the world stage. The Russian economy should not deviate from the current export structure, as the demand for energy resources continues to be high. And Russia retains the role of one of the guarantors of global energy security.Conclusions. The issue of reorientation of Russian trade flows to alternative directions will remain one of the prevailing ones today. This is able to stabilize the economy and protect the economic interests of the country, to ensure the economic security of Russia. By diversifying and transforming trade flows by changing channels, the Russian economy will be able to discover new opportunities for the development of the world market.


Southwest State University

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