Event-Management in Socio-Cultural Space: Analysis of the Life-Cycle Stages Conceptions According to the Modern Conditions


Shelginskaia V. A.1ORCID


1. Ural Institute of Management ‒ a Branch of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation


   Relevance. Modern management practice increasingly considerate behavioral aspects, including features of decision-making, influence of impressions. This gives special significance to those areas allowing to combine both components. So then special events are gaining interest.   The purpose is to identify the appropriate approach to life cycle of the technological process in event-management development.   Objectives: systematize and comparatively analyze existing concepts, identify key factors influencing the feasibility of these, formulate a concept that makes it possible to increase the effectiveness of events in terms of providing targeted impact.   Methodology includes comparative and system analysis. Synthesis makes it possible to single out optimal for modern conditions approach.   Results. Systematizes and analyzes the existing approaches to determining the stages of the life cycle in event-management. The author classifies the existing concepts into short-term and long-term ones, differing in the composition of the management system and the features of its relations. Formulates two approaches to indicate event management system actors. Based on the importance of informative and social factors, the specifics of event management correlation with social factors during the life circle unvailes.   Conclusions. Many of existing approaches overlook the influence of self-organizational processes in the controlled subsystem (visitors) on the final impact. The author proposes an integrative life cycle model with factors previously ignored: the influence of reference groups (including online communities), event representation in digital environment.


Southwest State University

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