Assessment of the Influence of the Regions of the Arctic Zone of the Russian Federation on the Economic Security of the State


Tsiklauri V. Yu.1ORCID,Afanasyeva L. V.1ORCID,Brusentseva J. A.1


1. Southwest State University


Relevance. The Arctic zone of the Russian Federation is of great importance for the state. Russian activities in the Arctic are extremely open. Russia does not violate international obligations, protects national interests, solves the tasks of protecting and protecting the state border of the Russian Federation, protecting deposits, the unimpeded functioning of the Northern Sea Route, contributes to maintaining the balance of power in the region, counteracts, together with law enforcement agencies and special services, new challenges and threats to economic security. Strengthening economic security is facilitated by the implementation of the state program for the accelerated socioeconomic development of the Arctic zone, the achievement of strategic interests and ensuring national security.The purpose of the study is to assess the main socio-economic indicators of the regions of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation and their impact on the economic security of the stateThe objectives of the study were: to study the directions of socio-economic development of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation; analysis and evaluation of socio-economic indicators of the regions: GRP, fixed assets, investments in fixed capital, industrial production index; assessment of the effectiveness of the human capital of the regions; assessment of the effectiveness of the introduction and use of modern technologies; generalization of threats and risks.Methodology. The research methodology is based on general scientific methods, comparative analysis. The sources were scientific works of scientists-specialists in the field of ensuring economic security, regulatory and information materials of Rosstat, documents of a strategic nature.Results. The main result of the study was an assessment of the impact of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation on the economic development of the state. Conclusions. The Arctic zone is an important and integral part of the socio-economic system of the Russian Federation. It allows to ensure the stability of the economy by creating conditions for employment of the population, ensures high labor productivity, promotes the development of innovations in entrepreneurship, all this has a beneficial effect on the economic growth of the national economy. But the effective development of the Arctic zone is possible only with comprehensive assistance from the state and the implementation of support programs.


Southwest State University

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