Characteristics of the Employment of the Population of Russia in the Informal Sector of the Economy


Merkulova E. Yu.1ORCID,Fatkhutdinov A. A.2


1. Tambov State University named after G. R. Derzhavin

2. Tambov State University named after G. R. Derzhavin; Interdistrict Federal Tax Service of Russia No. 13 in the Moscow Region


Relevance. The shadow economy exists in all countries of the world, however, the scale of employment in it indicates the degree of development of state institutions. The presence of shadow relations in the economy leads to a decrease in the revenues of the budget system at different levels of government, so it is necessary to create legal and economic conditions to reduce the share of the informal sector of the economy. Unfavorable socio-economic conditions for development, as a rule, are associated with the departure of employment to the informal sector of the economy, so it is necessary to identify the portrait characteristics of the population employed in it.The purpose of this study is to develop tools to counter the employment of the population in the informal sector of the economy, based on an assessment of the level of employment by type of economic activity and portrait characteristics.Objectives: to study the dynamics and structure of employment in the informal sector of the economy; identify factors that affect the level of shadow employment; develop tools to counteract shadow relations and determine the conditions for reducing the level of the informal sector of the economy.Methodology. The methodological basis of the study is a comparative and correlation analysis, the study used methods for calculating absolute, relative indicators, graphical and tabular methods for displaying information. Results: an assessment of shadow relations in the economy was carried out; the dynamics of the level of employment in the informal sector of the economy is analyzed; the factors that have a significant impact on it are identified; approaches are proposed to reduce the threat of the growth of the scale of shadow relations.Conclusions. Many countries are actively working to identify the causes and conditions for the existence of shadow relations, including Russia is actively working in this direction. As a result of the analysis, we have proposed a toolkit for reducing the scale of employment in the informal sector of the economy.


Southwest State University

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