Human Resource Satisfaction Assessment as a Management Tool for Small and Medium-Sized Businesses


Ershova I. G.1ORCID,Danyshev R. V.1,Shugaeva O. V.1


1. Southwest State University


Relevance. For as long as humankind has existed, group leaders have been interested in how to get people to complete tasks. Of course, the work must be done efficiently and, if possible, quickly. Completely different methods of motivation were used. It has long been known that without personal interest and a clear understanding of the ultimate goal of one’s activities, it is impossible to achieve high results. This requires a combination of various incentives that meet the interests of a particular individual. A person, feeling internally motivated when doing work, experiences satisfaction when he achieves a goal and a certain result, and also feels like a significant specialist.The purpose of the study is to assess and analyze the satisfaction and loyalty of human resources of small and medium-sized businessesObjectives: to assess the satisfaction of human resources of small and medium-sized businesses; to identify problems and offer recommendations on the satisfaction and loyalty of human resources of small and medium-sized businesses.Methodology. The study is based on a review of the works of domestic economists, the study of the regulatory framework on the research topic and the analysis of statistical data.Results. In the course of the work, the analysis of satisfaction and loyalty of human resources of small and medium-sized businesses was carried out, problems were identified and recommendations on satisfaction and loyalty of human resources of small and medium-sized businesses were proposedConclusions. After analyzing the company's activities on the employee motivation system, a number of problems were identified. Based on the results of the conducted research, it can be concluded that for a more effective employee motivation system, we propose to introduce several staff motivation tools.


Southwest State University

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