1. Aliseychik A.P. i dr. Mekhanika i upravleniye ekzoskeletami nizhnikh konechnostey dlya neyroreabelitatsii spinal'nykh bol'nykh [Mechanics and control of exoskeletons of the lower extremities for neurorehabitation of spinal patients]. XI Vserossiyskiy s"yezd po fundamental'nym problemam teoreticheskoy i prikladnoy mekhaniki. Sbornik dokladov [XI AllRussian Congress on Fundamental Problems of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. Collection of reports]. Kazan, 2015, pp. 132-134 (In Russ.).
2. Aliseychik A.P., Orlov I.A., Kolesnichenko Ye.Yu., Pavlovskiy V.Ye., Pavlov- skiy V.V., Platonov A.K. Reabilitatsionnyy ekzoskelet BioMekh: modeli, upravleniye, konstruktsiya. [Rehabilitation exoskeleton BioMech: models, management, design, experiments]. Mechatronics, automation, control]. Mekhatronika, avtomatizatsiya, upravlenie = Mechatronics, Automation, Management, 2016, no. 17(10), pp. 670-677 (In Russ.).
3. Borisov A. V., Rozenblat G. M., Chigarev A. V. Primeneniye matrichnogo metoda i rekurrentnogo algoritma k modeli ploskogo mnogozvennogo mekhanizma so zven'yami peremennoy dliny, dvizhushchegosya po gorizontal'noy ploskosti [Application of the matrix method and the recurrent algorithm to the model of a plane-multipurpose mechanism with lines of variable length moving on a horizontal plane]. Teoreticheskaya i prikladnaya mekhanika. Mezhdunarodnyi nauchno-tekhnicheskii sbornik [Theoretical and applied mechanics. International scientific and technical collection]. Minsk, 2018, vol. 33, pp. 370-380 (In Russ.).
4. Borisov A.V. Mekhanika prostranstvennoy modeli ekzoskeleta i antropomorfnogo robota [The mechanics of the spatial model of the exoskeleton and anthropomorphic robot]. Voprosy oboronnoy tekhniki. Seriya 16: Tekhnicheskiye sredstva prodivodeystviya terrorizmu = Questions of defense technology. Series 16: Technological Tools for Combating Terrorism, 2018. no. 3-4, pp. 46-55 (In Russ.).
5. Domrachev T.B. Yashmetkov K.S. Loskutov Yu.V. Kinematika lokomotsiy cheloveka pri vstavanii iz seda i posadke na oporu [Kinematics of human locomotion when standing up from a gray-haired vehicle and landing on a support]. AEE Avtomatizatsiya v elektroenergetike i elektrotekhnike [AEE Automation in the electric power industry and electrical engineering]. Perm'. Apr. 2016. (In Russ.).