Magnetron carbon structures obtained by high-frequency magnetron sputtering in Argon and Nitrogen


Kuzmenko A. P.1ORCID,Kolpakov A. I.1ORCID,Sizov A. S.1ORCID,Emelyanov V. M.1ORCID,Neruchev Yu. A.2ORCID


1. Southwest State University

2. Kursk State University


   Purpose of research. Creation and characterization of carbon nanostructures by high-frequency magnetron sputtering from a carbon target in argon on a silicon substrate and in a reactive nitrogen environment, obtained on a Ni catalyst buffer layer.   Methods. High-frequency magnetron sputtering on a silicon substrate with changes in control parameters: sputtering time power and working gas pressure Ar and N. Research was carried out using X-ray phase analysis, atomic force microscopy and holographic microscopy, Raman scattering.   Results. The formation of carbon nanotubes, including single-walled ones, was confirmed by the method of Raman scattering of light along the lines ID 1363 and IG 1564 cm-1, as well as ωRDМ 308 and 227 cm–1. Using atomic force microscopic images, the fractal dimension of the nanofilms was calculated, which indicated their 3D nature. Based on X-ray phase analysis of magnetron nanofilms, the dimensions of the coherence region, texture, microdeformations and interplanar deformation distortions were determined.   Conclusion. In carbon magnetron nanofilms, deformations of both signs occur: both compressive (∆a < 0) and tensile (∆a > 0). Carbon magnetron nanofilms are represented, among other things, by single-walled carbon nanotubes, the chirality of which in an argon environment is (6, 6), and in a reactive mixture of nitrogen and argon on a Ni buffer layer (7, 7). It was discovered that in high-frequency magnetron mode, silicon carbide is formed in both inert and reactive environments.


Southwest State University

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