Analysis of the Glycoside Composition of Calendula Extract


Yankiv K. F.1ORCID,Evdokimova M. S.1ORCID,Gorelova M. I.1ORCID


1. Southwest State University


Purpose of research. The aim of the article is to comparatively analyse the glycoside (flavonoid) composition of liquid dosage forms containing calendula medicinalis as an initial raw material.Methods. To achieve this goal, methods for extracting medicinal plant materials were studied, scientific literature on the research topic was analyzed, qualitative and quantitative analysis was carried out, and the obtained UV spectra were examined. Obtaining liquid dosage forms from Calendula officinalis flowers was carried out using a Soxhlet extractor and the maceration method. The optimal conditions for the extraction of glycosides were determined by varying the ratio of raw materials and extractant, as well as the concentration of the extractant. For quantitative assessment, the content of extractive substances in the resulting dosage forms was calculated. Confirmation of the presence of flavonoid compounds was carried out using UV spectroscopy. A comparative analysis of the content of flavonoids in liquid dosage forms based on calendula officinalis was carried out.Results. As a result, liquid dosage forms were obtained from calendula officinalis flowers by two different methods, using different formulations, extraction was carried out by maceration and circulating extraction in a Soxlet apparatus, in ratios of 1:5 and 1:10, different concentrations of ethyl alcohol were also used (40%, 70%, 96%). Optimal extraction conditions were determined – for this raw material, the best indicators were achieved when obtaining the dosage form using the Soxlet extractor, in addition, according to the experiment, the concentration of ethyl alcohol, which extracts more target components, is 70%, the most effective ratio is 1:5.Conclusion. The study examined changes in the glycosidic (flavonoid) composition in dosage forms prepared independently according to various recipes and drugs obtained in pharmaceutical production. The use of flavonoid extraction methods provides a great opportunity for further scientific research into the extraction of dietary supplements for the purpose of their production.


Southwest State University

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