Kim Jae Hee,Kim Nalae,Lee Yoon-Jung
This study examined consumer attitudes and intentions to participate in reward-based crowdfunding projects for fashion products. We focused on consumer innovation, price sensitivity, conformity, and consumer values as factors that might influence such attitudes and intentions. A survey was conducted with 228 individuals aged 18 years and older who are aware of or have had experience using crowdfunding. Respondents were asked to answer questions based on the example of actual fashion crowdfunding projects. To analyze the data, reliability tests, the generation of descriptive statistics, factor analysis, and multiple regression were performed using SPSS 25.0. The results revealed that consumer innovativeness, non-conforming tendency, and emotional, quality, social, and ethnical consumer values had a significant influence on attitudes, which in turn affected intentions to participate in crowdfunding. Consumer innovativeness, price sensitivity, emotional value, and social value also had a direct influence on intentions to participate. In addition to its academic contribution, this study has important marketing implications for project initiators striving to identify and understand consumers who are willing to participate in reward-based crowdfunding for fashion products.
The Korean Home Economics Association