Frecuencia de fasciolasis hepática e impacto económico en bovinos sacrificados en Ferrería, Ciudad de México


García Rafael Encinas,Quiroz Romero Héctor,Guerrero Molina Cristina,Ochoa Galván Pedro


Artículo originalmente publicado en:Encinas García R, Quiroz Romero H, Guerrero Molina C, Ochoa Galván P. Frecuencia de fasciolasis hepática e impacto económico en bovinos sacrificados en Ferrería, México, D.F. Veterinaria México. 1989;20(4):423–6.- - - A study was conducted in cattle slaughtered at the main abattoir in Mexico City (Ferrería) from January 1977 to December 1988 to determine the monthly and yearly frecuency and economic impact of fasciolasis in the official records of the Sanitary Inspection Service of Ferrería. During this period, 2,101,224 bovines were confiscated, representing 5.19%, equivalent to 763,889 kg of bovine livers with an economic loss of 1275’00,200 pesos. The range of confiscated livers was between 3.70% and 6.28%. The year with the most confiscation was 1977 and the least, 1982; July and March were the months with the highest (6.82%) and the lowest (4.09%) figures, respectively.


Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico

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