Noteworthy record of subsistence hunting and meat consumption of jaguarundi (Puma yagouaroundi) in Colombia


Pacheco Julio J. Chacón,González-Maya José F.


ABSTRACTWild felids in the Americas are generally considered as cultural icons and are respected and revered by most of the cultures. However, they are considered threatened across their ranges, mostly by habitat loss and fragmentation, and both direct and prey hunting. Small felids are usually seriously affected by retaliation hunting caused by conflicts derived from wild cats’ predation on domestic animals; however, few records exist for subsistence hunting and consumption of these species by local communities. Here we report the hunting and consumption of and adult male jaguarundi in the Cordoba department of Colombia. The animal was hunted using dogs; the carcass was prepared and was saved for later consumption during religious holidays by the entire community. This represents the first direct record of jaguarundi consumption across its range, representing an important aspect for wild felids’ conservation among rural marginalized communities across Latin America. Key Words: Carnivora, Colombia, Córdoba, felidae, poaching, Puma yagouaroudi, South America,  Palabras clave: Cacería, Carnívora, Colombia, Córdoba, Felidae, Puma yagouaroundi, Suramérica


Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico

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