1. Andresen, T. (2013) Improved macroeconomic control with electronic money and modern monetary theory, Real-World Economics Review (63): 134-141, URL: paecon.net/PAEReview/issue63/whole63.pdf
2. Andresen, T. (2014), The central bank with an expanded role in a purely electronic monetary system, Real-World Economics Review (68): 66 - 73 URL: paecon.net/PAEReview/issue68/whole68.pdf
3. En Español: Andresen, T. (2017), El Banco Central con un rol ampliado en un sistema monetario electrónico puro, Revista Propuestas para el Desarrollo, año I, numero I, diciembre 2017: 93 - 100 URL: http://www.propuestasparaeldesarrollo.com/inicio/index.php/ppd/article/view/19
4. Andresen, T. (2018) On the Dynamics of Money Circulation, Creation and Debt - a Control Systems Approach, PhD. thesis, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Department of Engineering Cybernetics. URL: http://folk.ntnu.no/tronda/econ/andresen-phd-finished.pdf