Elevating Healthcare Resilience: Role of drones in mitigating supply chain challenges in Malaysia


Wahab Siti Norida,Othman Norashida,Sahak Muhammad Yazid,Subramaniam Nikram


This paper explores the usage of drones in the Malaysian healthcare supply chain (HSC) and proposes strategies by identifying the challenges faced. A detailed literature review found several challenges, such as limited technical capability, strict government regulation, the need for a 5G network, and limited drone capabilities. Hence, some of the identified mitigation strategies are investment in tertiary education, government legislation improvement, expedited 5G network adoption, collaboration with NGOs, and providing drones with multi-functionality. This study contributes to the knowledge relevant to drone technology and the HSC. Future studies should investigate the practicability of drones that can support HSC management.


e-IPH Ltd.

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