A Context-Dependent Role for the RNF146 Ubiquitin Ligase in Wingless/Wnt Signaling in Drosophila


Wang Zhenghan1,Tacchelly-Benites Ofelia1,Noble Geoffrey P1,Johnson Megan K1,Gagné Jean-Philippe2,Poirier Guy G2,Ahmed Yashi1


1. Department of Molecular and Systems Biology, Norris Cotton Cancer Center, Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth College HB7400, Hanover, New Hampshire 03755

2. Centre de Recherche du Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Québec-Université Laval, CHUL Pavilion, Axe Oncologie, Québec G1V 4G2, Canada


Abstract Aberrant activation of the Wnt signal transduction pathway triggers the development of colorectal cancer. The ADP-ribose polymerase Tankyrase (TNKS) mediates proteolysis of Axin—a negative regulator of Wnt signaling—and provides a promising therapeutic target for Wnt-driven diseases. Proteolysis of TNKS substrates is mediated through their ubiquitination by the poly-ADP-ribose (pADPr)-dependent RING-domain E3 ubiquitin ligase RNF146/Iduna. Like TNKS, RNF146 promotes Axin proteolysis and Wnt pathway activation in some cultured cell lines, but in contrast with TNKS, RNF146 is dispensable for Axin degradation in colorectal carcinoma cells. Thus, the contexts in which RNF146 is essential for TNKS-mediated Axin destabilization and Wnt signaling remain uncertain. Herein, we tested the requirement for RNF146 in TNKS-mediated Axin proteolysis and Wnt pathway activation in a range of in vivo settings. Using null mutants in Drosophila, we provide genetic and biochemical evidence that Rnf146 and Tnks function in the same proteolysis pathway in vivo. Furthermore, like Tnks, Drosophila Rnf146 promotes Wingless signaling in multiple developmental contexts by buffering Axin levels to ensure they remain below the threshold at which Wingless signaling is inhibited. However, in contrast with Tnks, Rnf146 is dispensable for Wingless target gene activation and the Wingless-dependent control of intestinal stem cell proliferation in the adult midgut during homeostasis. Together, these findings demonstrate that the requirement for Rnf146 in Tnks-mediated Axin proteolysis and Wingless pathway activation is dependent on physiological context, and suggest that, in some cell types, functionally redundant pADPr-dependent E3 ligases or other compensatory mechanisms promote the Tnks-dependent proteolysis of Axin in both mammalian and Drosophila cells.


Oxford University Press (OUP)










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