The purpose of this research know the effect of Marketing Mix Services Of Interest Savings Customer At Bank Nagari Branch Muaralabuh, with a sample of 100 people, the method of data collection conducted by field research and library research, data analysis method used is the analysis of the validity, reliability analysis, correlation analysis, analysis multiple regression test of the hypothesis, t test and F. the result of research conducted, using correlation analysis method known relationship between marketing mix (X) with an interest of saving (Y) to the product (X1) the correlation is less strong r1 = 0.258, price (X2) the correlation is less strong r2 = 0.205, and promotion (X3) the correlation is strong enough r3 = 0.405, as well as customer service (X4) the correlation is strong enough r4 = 0.593. By using multiple regression analysis obtained equation Y = 8.191 + 0.041 X1 + 0.147 X2 + 0.064 + 0.484 X3 X4, meaning no significant effect on the product (X1) = 0,041 (sig. 0.334> 0.05), a significant effect on price (X2) = 0.147 (sig. 0.040 <0.05), and no significant effect on the promotion (X3) = 0,064 (sig. 0.506> 0.05), as well as a significant influence on customer service (X4) = 0.484 (sig. 0.000 <0.05).