"Status: Postprint"Honey is a natural liquid that generally has a sweet taste produced by honey bee (Apis sp.) from plant flower extract (flora nectar) or other parts of the plant (extra floral) (SNI 01-3545-2013). Bees sucked a variety of flowers and fruit juice, collected in the body, then taken to the nest and formed into honey. Honey can be used to a drug because it contains antioxidants and antimicrobials. Sweet and bitter honey were mostly produced by Apis dorsata forest bee species in the forest of Battang which now can not be cultivated properly. Characteristics of physical and chemical quality of honey vary depending on internal and external factors. Internal factors include the type of interest. External factors are like seasons, soil conditions and geographical location as well as processing and storage. Diastase enzymes, hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF), reducing sugars and moisture content, have important parameters for the quality of honey. This study aims to determine the quality of honey based on diastase enzyme activity test, HMF test, reducing sugar content and moisture content in two samples of Battang forest honey. The results showed that diastase enzyme activity 5,06 DN and hydroxymethylfurfural were not detected in honey sweet sample of Battang forest and have fulfilled honey quality requirement based on SNI 01-3545-2013. The result of moisture content analysis 22,96% and reducing sugar level 64, 91% almost reach the standard quality requirement of honey. The bitter honey sample of Battang forest, only hydroxymethylfurfural (not detected) analysis has fulfilled the quality requirement of honey based on SNI 01-3545-2013, but diastase enzyme activity <1 DN, moisture content 31,11% , and the reducing sugar content of 54,75% don’t qualified based on SNI 01-3545-2013 standard.