1. 1. A. K. Datta. Essentials of Human Anatomy, Superior and inferior extremities part III, 2nd edition, Current Books International, Calcutta, Chennai, Mumbai, 2000: p46.
2. 2. Romanes G J. Cunningham's Practical Anatomy Thorax and Abdomen Vol.2, 15th edition, ELBS oxford university press, Walton street, Oxford ox2 6DP, 1987: p14, 76.
3. 3. T. S. Ranganathan. A Text Book of Human Anatomy, 3rd edition, S. Chand & Company (Pvt) Ltd, Ram Nagar, New Delhi-110055, 1987: p.386.
4. 4. Vishram Singh. Anatomy of upper limb and thorax, 1st edition, Elsevier, A division of Reed Elsevier India private limited, New Delhi.2011: p.55, 58.
5. 5. S. Poddar, Ajay Bhagat. Anatomy of central nervous system(including the peripheral nerves), 9th edition, Scientific Book Company, Ashok Rajpath, opp. Patna medical college,Patna-800004, 2007: p48.