1. 1. Park K. Demography and family planning. In; Park K textbook of preventive and social medicine. 22nd edition M/S Banarsidas Bhanot publishers 2013.
2. 2. Govt. of India (2012), census 2011, provisional population report, office of the registrar general and census commissioner India, Ministry of Home Affairs, March 31st, 2011.
3. 3. National Family Health Survey NFHS-2. India 1998-99 International Institute for Population Sciences, Mumbai, India measure DHS +ORS & MACRO.
4. 4. National Family Health Survey NFHS -3. India 2005-06 International Institute for Population Science, Mumbai, India measure DHS+ORS & MACRO.
5. 5. http://mohfw.nic.in/WriteRead Data/l892s/972971120 FW% 20 Statistics% 2020 11% 20 Revised % 2031% 2010%2011.pdf.