Sarkar Mihir Kumar,Halder Arindam
BACKGROUND The incidence of cardiac lesions is less than 1 % amongst hospital deliveries. The commonest cardiac lesion is of rheumatic origin followed by the congenital ones. Heart diseases have a significant impact on maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality. The purpose of the study was to find out the specific heart lesion in pregnancy in a particular demographic area and evaluate the maternal and perinatal outcome. METHODS This was a two-year retrospective observational study done by reviewing the records of all the mothers with heart diseases admitted for pregnancy from April 2016 to March 2018. RESULTS The study included 42 patients. The majority of heart lesions was mitral stenosis of rheumatic origin. Prophylactic forceps in second stage of labour was the major method of delivery. As far as the perinatal outcome is concerned, low birth weight and prematurity were the major problem in the babies born to these mothers. CONCLUSIONS With advances in medical care and surgical approach, the obstetricians should be prepared to manage an increasing number of women with heart disease during pregnancy. A combined multidisciplinary care is essential in managing these cases. KEY WORDS Rheumatic Heart Disease, Congenital Heart Disease, Cardiac Failure, Forceps Delivery, Prematurity
Akshantala Enterprises Private Limited