Study of COVID Pandemic in Selected High Burden Countries in the World


Rachakonda Ramakrishna,Shaik Abdul Waseem,Shaik Umar Pasha


BACKGROUND COVID 19 pandemic affected the whole world resulting in the death of more than four million of population throughout the world and it is nothing less than a world war. Nearly 223 countries are affected. With the understanding of the pathology changes were introduced in the treatment of COVID-19 disease. Vaccines came for the public use in different countries in January 2021. Though there is an impact of the vaccines in most of the countries, coverage has not reached significant proportions in the world. Despite vaccination number of people infected in high burden countries is still high with corresponding increase in the mortality rate. Here we have made an attempt to compare the statistics in different countries along with global figures. Control of COVID pandemic probably depends upon a combination of awareness of disease among people, COVID appropriate behaviour, vaccination for COVID and isolation of patients with disease and appropriate treatment of the COVID patients. We collected information on COVID from Worldometer and WHO publications and compared the results from selected high burden countries COVID affected nearly all the countries in the world. We have presented the cases/day and deaths per day in the selected countries at different times of the pandemic from February 2020 to October 2021. Some countries like USA, India, Brazil, UK, Russia, France and Turkey are affected more than others. 19 % of the cases in the world are reported in USA and 14 % of cases in India. Even after good vaccine coverage, UK, USA and Russia are reporting significant COVID-19 cases. All over the world more than 245 million people are affected from COVID 19 with a mortality rate of 2.03 %. Brazil and Russia have a high mortality rate of around 2.80 %. Continued appearance of new cases in certain countries is probably because of the new variants. KEY WORDS COVID 19, Vaccination, Variants of Concern (VOC), Mutations, SARS, MERS


Akshantala Enterprises Private Limited


General Medicine

Reference20 articles.

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