Understanding confidence in Banks: the role of personal characteristics and Artificial Intelligence


Gómez-Martínez Raúl1ORCID,Pérez-González Benito2ORCID,Medrano-García María Luisa1ORCID,Torres-Pruñonosa Jose2ORCID


1. Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (España)

2. Universidad Internacional de La Rioja (España)


Confidence in banks and financial institutions is a cornerstone of financial stability and economic prosperity. This study investigates the relationship between personal characteristics and confidence in banks, recognizing the pivotal role of trust in shaping individuals' perceptions of financial institutions. Through a mixed-methods approach combining survey techniques and artificial intelligence modelling, we analyse data collected from a representative sample of the university community. Our findings highlight the significant influence of demographic factors such as age, gender and education level on confidence in banks. Moreover, we validate our hypothesis using metrics such as ROC Area and PRC Area, indicating the predictive power of personal characteristics in determining confidence in banks. The sensitivity analysis further elucidates the relative importance of different predictors in shaping confidence levels. The implications of our research extend to policymakers, financial institutions and researchers, offering insights for tailored interventions, customer engagement strategies, and future investigations. By deepening our understanding of the drivers of confidence in banks, this study contributes to the enhancement of financial stability and consumer trust in the banking sector.


Instituto de Actuarios Españoles








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