1. Evaluation of Minnow Traps for Estimating Populations of Juvenile Coho Salmon and Dolly Varden
2. Bryant, M. D. Distribution of salmonids in the Trap Bay basin, Tenakee Inlet. Fish and wildlife relationships in old-growth forests: proceedings of a symposium. Edited by: Meehan, W. R., Merrell, T. R. and Hanley, T. A. pp.17–31. Juneau, Alaska: American Institute of Fishery Research Biologists.
3. Bryant, M. D. The role of beaver dams as coho salmon habitat in southeast Alaska streams. Proceedings of the Olympic wild fish conference. Edited by: Walton, J. M. and Houston, D. B. pp.183–192. Port Angeles, Washington: Peninsula College and Olympic National Park, Fisheries Technology Program.
4. Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Federal Aid in Sport Fish Restoration, D-1, volume 19;Elliott S. T.,1978